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To provide a forum for the residents of the area, and interested associates, to discuss matters of concern, and promote positive responses to those concerns, whilst practicing and maintaining sound environmental initiatives which protect and promote the ecological health of the Coomera River catchment
To encourage education of all stakeholders in land use practices which ensure a healthy and enjoyable catchment, beneficial to both people and native wildlife, for the purposes of healthy living, recreation, productivity and conservation
To foster and promote community involvement in, and sustain long term commitment to, sound catchment management practices to benefit all stakeholders
To work for the retention of natural features, ecosystems and habitats of the catchment; to improve the ecological health and value of urban areas; and to work with future developments, knowing that they are inevitable yet insisting they maintain, and remediate if necessary, established ecological benchmarks and values​
To work for the restocking of fish, and the maintenance of fish stocks, to the freshwater reaches of the Coomera River and its tributaries, including Australian Bass, Mary River Cod, Queensland Lungfish, Freshwater Catfish, eels of all persuasions, and Freshwater Turtles as all are necessary for a healthy ecosystem
To actively educate and train stakeholders in Water Quality Monitoring and Macroinvertebrate Sampling programs, and to have those results disseminated for public information, education, discussion and action
To actively seek opportunities for active and positive collaboration with like minded organisations and individuals, for such activities as riparian revegetation, water quality monitoring and remediation, and macroinvertebrate sampling within the catchment
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